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Thank you for color-coding each section title of The Times. Now, those who have trouble deciphering difficult words like “Sports” and “Business” will finally be able to understand which section they’re reading.

It’s troubling that newspaper readership is declining and young adult consumers seem less concerned with the source and quality of news reporting. But chasing this elusive demographic by constantly changing The Times’ appearance makes The Times appear as fickle as the twentysomethings it’s trying to snare. You are frustrating your loyal readership, confusing your casual customer and still not reaching new readers.

The Times is still the best journalism organization west of the Mississippi River and has the talent to compete on a national playing field. You should start acting like it.


Jeff Michael



As an old newspaper crone, I congratulate your new look. It is tasteful and appropriate. Statistics be damned -- newspapers live on!

Bette Henning



The only changes that really matter at a newspaper are in the newsroom. Is The Times going to back up its “new look” with a valued and supported news staff whose reporters do not feel their jobs are at risk every quarter? You can always tell that a TV news broadcast is in trouble when it changes its studio set.

Stephan Hart Robley

Santa Monica
