
GOP already sinking budget

Re “Legislators to revisit the budget,” Oct. 28

It is obvious that we need a special session. But why bother holding one if the Republican legislators state, before the session even starts, that there is no way they will consent to raising taxes?

Talk about cold-blooded lawmakers! The need for more taxes has never been more apparent, but the California GOP flatly refuses to meet that need. A referendum on eliminating the two-thirds requirement to pass a budget must be on the 2010 ballot and must be passed. The requirement enables the Republicans’ dictatorship of the minority.

I could go on at length, but it should be obvious why the Republican Party in California deserves to be clobbered at the polls. Until the party starts showing it cares for the common man -- and not only for the rich and corporations -- it does not deserve to hold office.


And Republicans wonder why they are in dire trouble, not only in California but across the entire nation?

William Vallow

