
Graham tries out some new zingers

Lindsey Graham, one of John McCain’s best friends in the Senate and a frequent sidekick on the campaign trail, often warms up the crowds with a repertoire of stock jokes.

On Thursday, though, he tried out some new zingers.

Perhaps inspired by the venue, the lawn of a junior high school, the South Carolina senator took a shot at ACORN, or Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which works with low-income Americans and has come under fire for turning in fraudulent voter registrations.

“Thanks to ACORN, 13-year-olds are the fastest-growing voting demographic in the country, so turn out. Sign ‘em up,” Graham said.


Graham also poked fun at Obama’s 30-minute advertisement Wednesday night.

“Anybody see the infomercial last night? Thank God for cable,” Graham said. “If we’d played that at a prison camp it would have violated the Geneva Convention.”
