
Studying a new star

Re “Ordinary in an extraordinary way,” Opinion, April 19

There has been a huge amount of press devoted to the spectacular audition the ordinary-looking Susan Boyle gave on “Britain’s Got Talent.” I am equally impressed by her natural talent, but I am saddened by the circus-like atmosphere surrounding the audience’s and the judges’ reaction to her. Are we human beings so jaded that we must first trash this woman for her looks and demeanor before even giving her a chance?

I thought Amy Wilentz hit the nail on the head when she commented on a judge’s “we are too cynical” remark by saying, “It was as if Amanda expected this one moment ... where the sincerity of song and execution softened every heart, to allow us to believe we had somehow been purged of all our cheap, superficial ways ... the world would be granted forgiveness for all the meanness, bullying and tawdry acceptance of the third-rate that is its usual fare”

Bravo! Where has all the kindness gone?

Kathy Biggs



If I were Boyle, I would want a makeover after reading this article. Wilentz writes that Boyle is a geek, a dork and un-dateable. She goes on to ask Boyle to remain a dork so Wilentz and people like her can feel good about themselves. Boyle may be a geek with two chins, but at least she doesn’t seem to be a mean person.


Mary-Dorothy Line

Marina Del Rey
