
Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade

The holiday will be marked by a parade Monday in the Leimert Park area of Los Angeles. It starts at 10:15 a.m.

Street closures

Streets within the following boundaries may be closed after 9:30 a.m. until about 2 p.m., or until the parade ends. Drivers are advised to avoid the area.

39th St. on the north

Normandie Ave. on the east

48th St. on the south

Marlton Ave. on the west


In addition, the parade assembly area will be closed to traffic after 8:30 a.m.:

Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. between St. Andrews Place and Normandie, and Western Ave. between 39th and Vernon Ave.



And the grandstand area will be closed to traffic after 4 a.m.:

Crenshaw between 39th and Stocker St. and Martin Luther King Jr. between Degnan Blvd. and Marlton


Sources: ESRI, TeleAtlas, Los Angeles Department of Transportation


Los Angeles Times
