

As host of the weekly show “Off-Ramp” on KPCC-FM (89.3), I take exception to Susan Harris’ letter about the death of talk on KLSX [Letters, Feb. 28]. She wrote, “There is always NPR when you feel like being educated.”

OK, granted there’s lots of education and enlightening debate and all that on KPCC, but my producer Queena Kim and I always strive to include at least a modicum of mindless entertainment on our show. Surely my bad Andy Rooney impression (“I knew Burl Ives, and he hated that snowman with his fancy vest. ‘Andy,’ he’d say, ‘that snowman will never age.’ ”), a hot ramen soup eating contest, and using dog pee to banish skunks counts. And what about “Ask Mr. Traffic”?

We can be mindless, silly, momentarily diverting and inconsequential, if you’ll only give us a chance!


John Rabe

Los Angeles
