
FOR THE RECORD - March 18, 2009

Religion in America: Portions of a chart that accompanied an article in Monday’s Section A about New England surpassing the West Coast as the least religious region in the nation contained incorrect data about the percentage of Americans claiming no religious affiliation. Regions with data that were inaccurate by up to two percentage points were the Pacific, West North Central, West South Central and Middle Atlantic divisions. The corrected graphic is shown above.



More identify with no religion

The chart below shows the percentages of Americans claiming no religious affiliation in 2008 and the percentage point change since 1990, by region.

*--* Division 2008 % point chg.* 1. Pacific 20% +5 2. Mountain 19 +7 3. West North Central 13 +7 4. West South Central 11 +6 5. East North Central 15 +7 6. Middle Atlantic 15 +9 7. New England 22 +14 8. East South Central 10 +5 9. South Atlantic 13 +6 10. California 18 +4 *--*


* Since a 1990 poll

Note: Alaska and Hawaii were not surveyed

Source: American Religious Identification Survey 2008
