
Fuming over emissions

Re “Motorcycles next up for smog tests?” May 5

Because motorcycles are motor vehicles, they should be held to the same emissions standards as cars.

And while we’re at it, what about making them quieter too? I’ve had Harleys pass my house that are so loud they set off my car alarm. If a car made this much noise it would be ticketed, but somehow the motorcycle owners get away with it.

Robert Marcos

La Quinta

No gas or diesel engine should be exempt from air pollution controls. We all pay the price for their usage.


And let’s enforce the ban on gas leaf blowers as well. Homeowners, don’t wait for the law to do it, tell your gardener to use electric devices. Fire them if they don’t comply; there are plenty out there who will.

You, with the hybrid in the driveway and the gardener with the gas blower, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Scott Mandell

Studio City
