

Re: David Lazarus’ column “Squeeze coming for best cardholders?” May 20:

I’m one of those credit card users who has never missed a payment in my life, and I never use a credit card that charges an annual fee.

I’m concerned that if credit card companies start to assess even prompt payers like me an annual fee and I cancel their card, it is not going to look good on my credit report.

I’d go broke just paying annual fees with all the cards I have collected over the years.

Betty Atwell

Lake Forest



I have an excellent credit rating, and I work to maintain a high credit score by using credit carefully. The notion that good customers have to pay because of the “high risk” the banks face in extending credit to any person who breathes is specious.


Why is the fee the banks charge merchants for every credit transaction rarely talked about? The banks may make huge sums from late charges and other fees, but they are not going to make it off me.

If the credit card companies try to charge me for being a responsible user of their product, then I will stop using it. I can easily use cash or debit cards.

Gary W. Thomas

San Diego
