

I enjoyed the article about Jon and Kate (“Jon and Kate and Real Reality,” May 24). Somewhere in all of the wild rumors that are everywhere, there must be the truth about the couple.

I prefer their show to almost anything that is on TV. The talk is real and sincere, and the children are also very special. It is the perfect reality show that is a slice of life people can relate to.

How does anyone begin to understand who would burst this bubble? Personally, I cannot believe that Jon or Kate would do this.


Looking forward to the new season.

Lottie Van Emden

Via e-mail


I do watch “Jon & Kate Plus 8” each week, and now I feel sorry for the kids.

I thought they were doing fine, but TLC should not air the program if the parents are out of order. They owe it to the family. I watched the marathon and saw how unfair Kate is to Jon, who seems to really try to get along. They need help to be good parents to those kids, who never asked to be born.

Karen Peters

Elkhorn, Wis.
