
What does China stand for?

Re “China, the ‘new us,’ ” Opinion, Sept. 30

What seemed missing from the opinion article is a guiding principle when we engage China as a responsible shareholder.

Values such as human rights and freedom are not just American values; they are universal values. A relationship can only be healthy and long-lasting when it is built on shared values, not just shared interests, as the latter is ever-changing.

That is why I am very thankful to hear that so many members of Congress backed Resolution 605 recognizing the 10-year, ongoing persecution of the “Falun Gong spiritual movement and calling for an immediate end to the campaign to persecute, intimidate, imprison and torture” its practitioners.


With my mother and sister still jailed in China for practicing Falun Gong, I hope Rep. Howard Berman (D-Valley Village), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, will soon move this resolution forward, because he described Chinese officials during his recent trip as “very open” to aspects of human rights issues.

Yi-Yuan Chang

Redondo Beach
