
Dealing with gang members

Re “A helping hand, not handcuffs,” Opinion, Sept. 3

To Luis Rodriguez: With all your bragging about how accomplished you are and being a model citizen, you seem to not comprehend that there are those who have accomplished the same goal without ever creating the misdeeds and disrespect to society and those who tried to help you. Did you ever go back and try to clean up your mess?

I also grew up in East L.A. and was pushed around by riffraff like you were. But I never fell into that lifestyle.

I’ll consider that you wised up, but there are those who never will. The injunctions are aimed at them, and with good reason.


Raul Tinajero

Hacienda Heights


Rodriguez’s sense of entitlement seems to know no boundaries. It is matched by his complete lack of culpability in his life.

But I know exactly where we should look. There was no mention of his parents in his article.

Robert Ceman

