
Prime choices


When Mom heads back into the workforce, three suburban kids must assume childcare responsibilities for the family’s new arrival (Mia Talerico, above, with Eric Allan Kramer as Dad) in the new sitcom “Good Luck Charlie.” (Disney, 8:30 p.m.)


Don’t you just love Scandinavian black metal? Sure you do. But if you don’t, you can still learn a little something about this hard-rock subgenre -- and its often-violent subculture -- in the 2008 music doc “Until the Light Takes Us.”(Sundance, 8 p.m.)


The distance between Paris and London gets that much shorter when a certain celebutante seeks a new BFF -- or, rather, “BBF” -- from among a batch of U.K. hopefuls in the new reality competition “Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend.”(TV Guide, 10 and

11 p.m.)


Born a prince in India 2 1/2 millenniums ago, moved by the inevitability of human suffering to a life of contemplation and spiritual teaching, “The Buddha” is revered across Asia and around the world. Richard Gere narrates this new profile. (KCET,

8 p.m.)


Suppose you live in a big mansion with a fancy kitchen complete with all the amenities and stocked with the finest foods money can buy. So who cooks for you? “Private Chefs of Beverly Hills,” that’s who. See them in action in this new docu-series. (Food, 10 p.m.)


He’s glam, his guyliner is perfect and his voice is glorious. He’s Season 8 “American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert, below, and he performs stripped-down versions of fan favorites in an intimate setting on a new edition of “Unplugged.”(VH1,

11 p.m.)


The fault line between print- and Web-based journalism is explored when a shoe-leather reporter (Russell Crowe, above) and a tech-savvy blogger (Rachel McAdams) team to expose D.C. skulduggery in the 2009 thriller “State of Play.”(Cinemax, 10 p.m.)
