
Letters: 2 more shopping stops in Delhi

2 more shopping stops in Delhi

Besides the usual tourist shopping meccas mentioned by Mike Morris [“India’s Myriad Bright Shiny Objects,” March 28], I would like to add Delhi’s Paharganj, known as the “Backpacker’s Paradise,” and the Sadar Bazaar, which together form Delhi’s oldest marketplace. I had the great pleasure of spending three weeks in Delhi last fall and enjoyed many days and early evenings experiencing the sights, smells and sounds of the amazingly twisty, tiny, passageways that make up these incredible markets. There is nothing like seeing six men run a coffin through a parting crowd, and then bargaining for silver bracelets. Those are only a few reasons why I love Delhi.

-- Leslie M.B. Cole, Encino

Timeshare sales minus initial fees

I enjoyed Catharine Hamm’s On the Spot column on time shares [“Seller, Beware,” March 28].

One of the things not mentioned in the article is that there are many timeshare resellers who do not charge an upfront fee. We have specialized in timeshare resales for 10 years and have never charged an upfront fee. Because we are in Escondido, we specialize in the Welk Resorts but sell timeshares that are nationwide. There are many other brokers just like us.

Please run more timeshare articles. This industry really needs the spotlight on it to bring into the open the many abuses consumers are exposed to. I highly recommend the magazine TimeSharing Today and its website,

-- Brent Jex, Nationwide Timeshare Resales/California Timeshare Resales, Escondido

Death valley by motorcycle great

Kudos to Benoit Lebourgeois on an excellent article on Death Valley [“Hop In, Hang On and Enjoy,” March 21]. I have been to the valley many times. Years ago I put on a Death Valley Motorcycle Ride for 10 years. We covered almost every legal dirt road that was usable in the ‘70s and ‘80s. My old friends still remember them. Great memories. I’ve been to the Racetrack but never saw any water. Just lots of dust. Titus Canyon on a dirt bike was great fun. Sadly, Pink Jeep guide Brad Chapman had to take a cheap shot at motorcyclists. He must think people of his ilk never do any damage. I have seen tire tracks on the Racetrack not done by motorcycle riders. So much for the rant. All in all a good article.

-- Don Betsworth, Torrance

Get travel policy separately

We’ve always heard the common wisdom that travelers should not buy travel insurance from the company with which they book a trip. Sadly, we didn’t understand what the warning meant. Now we do.

My husband and I — both in our 80s — and our son and his wife had booked a trip around South America. We had traveled with this company before and had been quite pleased. The trip included airfare, two land portions, one in Santiago and the other in Buenos Aires, plus the cruise portion.

When our son booked the trip, the agent suggested that we buy insurance, which we did. The agent told our son that in case of cancellation for reasons of health, the money would be refunded minus the cost of this insurance.

The day before the trip, my husband had a heart attack and had two stents put in his heart. I called immediately to cancel the trip and after some back-and-forth discussion, was told we would be repaid as promised. We had never received a policy.

Now we’re hearing that the only recompense is a voucher for another trip, which must be used within 15 months of the date of the cancellation and is nontransferable. Warning to other travelers: Listen to the common wisdom.

-- Jerrie Newman

Airline personnel should be discreet

Regarding “Airline Insults Her Mother” [Letters, March 14]: I agree that the airline personnel should have been discreet. Did the letter writer take a picture of her mother with passengers sitting next to her?

I have sat next to people who “fit” in the seat. Their shoulder and arm are in “my” space/seat, while I have to lean to the side. It’s uncomfortable for me.

-- Yoshie Tachiki, Los Angeles
