
John Paul Stevens timeline

‘The justice in the bow tie’ April 20, 1920: Born John Paul Stevens in Chicago, the youngest of four sons to a successful hotel owner. 1941: Graduates Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in English literature. June 7, 1942: Marries Elizabeth Jane Sheeren; they have four children (John Joseph, Kathryn, Elizabeth Jane and Susan Roberta). 1942: Begins three years of service in the U.S. Naval Reserve, earning a Bronze Star as a code-breaker. 1947: Studies for his law degree at Northwestern University, becoming editor in chief of the school’s law review and graduating magna cum laude. Clerks one term for Supreme Court Associate Justice Wiley B. Rutledge. 1949: Admitted intothe Illinois State Bar Assn. and joins the Chicago law firm of Poppenhusen, Johnston, Thompson and Raymond as an associate until 1952. 1950: Lectures on antitrust law at Northwestern University School of Law, where he teaches until 1954. 1951: Becomes associate counsel on the study of monopoly power for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. 1952: Serves as a partner at the Chicago law firm Rothschild, Stevens, Barry and Myers, where he works for 18 years, until 1970. 1955: Teaches at University of Chicago Law School until 1958. Oct. 14, 1970: Confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, nominated by President Nixon. 1974: Undergoes open-heart surgery. Renews his private pilot’s license and continues as an avid tennis player. Dec. 19, 1975: Takes the oath of office and becomes an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, after his nomination by President Ford and Senate confirmation. Becomes known to court watchers as “the justice in the bow tie.” 1979: Divorced from Sheeren, his wife of 37 years. Marries Maryan Mulholland Simon. 1982: Receives radiation treatment for prostate cancer but remains on the job with a prognosis for a full recovery. April 9, 2010: Announces he will retire at the end of the term.Source: Associated Press
