
For the record - April 15, 2010

Muse: An article about the band Muse in Wednesday’s Calendar referred to Tom Whalley as the former Warner Bros. Records chairman and chief executive. He is still in that position.

Poster exhibition: An article in Wednesday’s Calendar about the show “Art Against Empire: Graphic Responses to U.S. Interventions Since World War II” at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions gave the show’s closing date as Wednesday. The show closes Sunday.

DNA testing: A Health section article Monday on gene patents, “Patent Pending,” said there were 23 tightly packed strands of DNA in every cell in the human body. In most cells of the body, there are 23 pairs of these tightly packed strands, called chromosomes. So for most cells, the total number of chromosomes is 46, not 23.

Salina, Italy: A Travel article Sunday about the Aeolian Islands, including Salina, reported that many residents immigrated to the U.S. around the turn of the 19th century. It was the turn of the 20th century.

Airfare to Alaska: An information box accompanying a Travel article Sunday on Sitka’s summer music festival incorrectly reported the restricted round-trip airfare from LAX to Sitka. Connecting service (change of planes) on Alaska Airlines begins at $714.

Mindo, Ecuador: An April 4 Travel article about the orchids of Ecuador’s cloud forests reported the size of El Pahuma, a private reserve, as 100 acres. The reserve is 700 acres.

Tea party gathering: An article in the LATExtra section Wednesday about a controversial speaker whose invitation to appear at a Tax Day Tea Party rally was rescinded gave the wrong name for a consultant to an Assembly candidate who is among those scheduled to speak at the event. The consultant to San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson is Jason Roe, not Joe Roe.

West Point: An article in the LATExtra section Friday about a senior at Washington Preparatory High School in South Los Angeles who was accepted to the United States Military Academy at West Point incorrectly said the school was in upstate New York. West Point is about 50 miles north of New York City.

Charles Fleming photo: With Steve Lopez’s column about Charles Fleming, author of “Secret Stairs: A Walking Guide to the Historic Staircases of Los Angeles,” in Wednesday’s Section A, the photo of Fleming was credited to the Los Angeles Times. Times photographer Rick Loomis took the picture.

New archbishop: In the April 7 Section A, two news stories and a graphic about the selection of Jose Gomez to succeed Cardinal Roger Mahony used conflicting numbers for the size and ethnic makeup of L.A.’s Roman Catholic Archdiocese. The correct membership figure is 4.6 million, according to the 2009 Annuario Pontificio, the official statistical yearbook of the Catholic Church, although the L.A. archdiocese estimates that more than 5 million people attend Mass locally, including those who are not formally registered. About 70% of the members of the archdiocese are Latino.

Arizona immigration bill: An article in Wednesday’s Section A on legislation against illegal immigrants in Arizona reported that a federal court had found unconstitutional a New Hampshire law that said illegal immigrants were guilty of trespassing. The ruling came from a state court. Additionally, the article said Arizona’s Republican primary was next month. The primary is in August.

Insurance premiums: An article in Tuesday’s Section A about insurance premium regulation reported that the recently enacted healthcare legislation would for the first time require insurance companies to dedicate at least 75% of their premiums to paying medical claims. The law places that requirement at 80% for plans serving individuals and small groups and at 85% for plans serving large groups.

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