
She wants to fire her job-hating husband

Dear Amy: My husband and I are in our early 40s. We’ve been married for 10 years and have two young children.

My husband constantly hates his jobs -- he’s had several in our time together. I work part time and carry some of our benefits.

Ninety percent of our time together is consumed with his looking for a job, threatening to quit his job and talking about money.


I’ve tried to cajole and threaten him -- and we’ve gone to counseling. Alas, I’m sick of him.

We can’t put down roots. We can barely commit to a dinner party six weeks out because we might be moving, we might be divorcing or we might be fighting.

How do you get out of the “grass is always greener” phase, and how can I make my husband enjoy his life?


Fed Up Wife

Dear Wife: You and your husband aren’t the only affected parties here. Your interactions and the atmosphere in your home are imprinting on your kids.

I agree that counseling is called for but suggest that your husband pursue therapy on his own. He may have issues he can’t quite control. Your family will suffer as long as things remain as they are. He needs to take responsibility for his attitude -- and do what he can to change it.

Send questions by e-mail to [email protected] or to Ask Amy, Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.
