
Funeral services for Daryl F. Gates

Los Angeles will bid farewell to former Police Chief Daryl F. Gates with a closed-casket viewing Monday and a funeral Tuesday.

The Monday viewing, open to the public, will be held from noon to 8 p.m. at the Ronald F. Deaton Civic Auditorium at the downtown police administration building at 100 W. 1st St.

Tuesday’s funeral will begin with an 8:30 a.m. procession of family members and officials who will walk from the police administration building to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, where a private memorial service will be held. An honors ceremony in the cathedral plaza will follow the funeral.

Gates, who ran the Los Angeles Police Department from 1978 to 1992, died April 16 at his Dana Point home after a short battle with cancer. He was 83.

A number of downtown streets will be closed Tuesday morning for the funeral, and commuters should expect heavy traffic.

•Temple Street between Broadway and Grand Avenue, Hill Street between Temple and Ord streets and all of Hill Place will be closed to traffic between 6:30 a.m. and noon.

•Hill Street between 1st and Temple streets will be open to court employees only.

•1st Street between Main and Hill streets and Broadway between 2nd and Judge John Aiso streets will be briefly closed between 8 and 9 a.m. for the procession.

The city Transportation Department suggests the following detours: To the north, Cesar Chavez Avenue; To the east, Los Angeles Street; To the south, 2nd Street; To the west, Figueroa and Beaudry streets. Area commuters can visit for real-time traffic information.

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