
Hear that drumbeat about CT scans and radiation exposure? It’s growing louder

If people weren’t afraid of CT scans before now, it might just be a matter of time until they are. Or perhaps until lawmakers take matters into their own hands.

L.A. Times staff writer Alan Zarembo wrote Tuesday of local hospitals that said they were simply following the manufacturer’s recommendations: “Two More Hospitals Report CT Scan Radiation Overdoses.”

Judith Graham wrote recently in the Chicago Tribune about attempts to protect children from excess radiation: “Clamping Down on CT Scans for Kids.”

And in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Assn., we have an editorial calling for more legislation. Here’s a summary of that editorial from -- and a bit of the editorial from the journal itself: “Radiation Exposure From Medical Imaging
Time to Regulate?

Now for some questions and answers about CT scans from the National Cancer Institute.

Note Question 4: Are there risks associated with a CT scan?

“Some people may be concerned about the amount of radiation they receive during a CT scan. It is true that the radiation exposure from a CT scan can be higher than from a regular X-ray. However, not having the procedure can be more risky than having it, especially if cancer is suspected. People considering CT must weigh the risks and benefits.”

Seems safe to say ...

-- Tami Dennis
