
If you’re feeling good today, skip the latest obesity stats

The new obesity report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is not just appalling, it’s unsurprising. And as such, it’s appallingly unsurprising.

If you think your outlook can handle it, consider this overview from the Vital Signs report on adult obesity, released Tuesday:

“In 2009, about 2.4 million more adults were obese than in 2007. This epidemic has affected every part of the United States. In every state, more than 15% of adults are obese, and in nine states, over 30% of adults are obese. The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are staggering. In 2008 dollars, these costs totaled about $147 billion. More efforts are needed, and new federal initiatives are helping to change our communities into places that strongly support healthy eating and active living.”

(Note the positive spin there at the end.)

Here’s the state-by-state obesity info, if you’re so inclined. Be forewarned: Mississippi and Colorado fare as usual.

If you must, simply must, read more, but can’t bear to absorb the details, here’s the Reuters story: More than 70 million U.S. adults obese, U.S. agency says. If details are your thing, here’s the full obesity report.

At this rate, even I will be hard-pressed not to use the by-now cliched “obesity epidemic.” Sure, the “infectious” aspect of “epidemic” would have to be ignored, but a case could be made...

-- Tami Dennis
