
Google lets users make phone calls from Gmail

Google Inc. introduced a new feature that allows users to make telephone calls from Gmail, putting the Internet giant in competition with Skype and phone companies such as AT&T Inc.

For years, Gmail users have been able to talk over their computers or video chat. But they could not call a mobile phone or land-line phone.

Now they can click “call phone” in the chat tab on Gmail and then dial the number on a telephone keypad, Google said.

Calls to the U.S. and Canada will be free of charge for the first year. Calls to other countries will be as low as 2 cents a minute. The rates are similar to Skype, which is owned by private equity firms and auction giant EBay Inc.

The service works with Google Voice, the company’s phone and voice-mail service. Users of that service can now choose “computer” as one way to receive calls.

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