
Overnight storm forecast for Southern California

A fast-moving storm was expected to pass through Southern California overnight Sunday, dropping half an inch of rain on Los Angeles County coastal and valley areas and a few inches of snow at higher elevations.

Rainfall was expected to last four to eight hours and end about 3 to 4 a.m. Monday, leaving freeways dry for morning commuters.

Winds of 10 to 20 mph, with gusts up to 35 mph, were expected to accompany the low-pressure system from Alaska, which was expected to pick up warm, moist air from the south. The mountain areas were expecting 20- to 30-mph winds, with gusts reaching 50 mph.


Brief periods of heavy rain along south-facing slopes could heighten the risk of minor mud and debris flows in and around burn areas, but the National Weather Service had not issued a flash flood warning, spokesman Bill Hoffer said.

The snow level was to start at 7,000 feet and drop to 6,500 feet.

Up to an inch of rain was expected on the Central Coast near San Luis Obispo, which was closer to the center of the storm, with foothills and mountains there receiving up to 2 inches.

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