
Thinking of a nip or tuck? First come to this web chat Friday

Attitudes about plastic surgery have changed a bit. For one thing, more men are having it done. And for another, it’s not just for celebrities anymore. So what’s the best way to know what will work for you? Ask this expert.

Dr. Martin Newman, who specializes in cosmetic as well as reconstructive plastic surgery at Cleveland Clinic Florida in Weston, Fla., will answer questions and discuss myths and facts at this live web chat Friday at 9 a.m. PST (11 a.m. CST and noon EST).

About 12.5 million Americans had cosmetic work done and 5.2 million had reconstructive procedures in 2009, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Some likely were aging men and women concerned about boosting their careers, this Los Angeles Times story says.


What’s the best age for plastic surgery? Fifty-two, says a survey among 3,000 British women between the ages of 40 and 65 that was conducted by a cosmetics company, the Daily Mail reports. Read what else women said in this survey. Then join the online discussion to find out more.
