
For the record - Dec. 10, 2010

Duffy: A review of Duffy’s new album, “Endlessly,” in the Dec. 7 Calendar section said that Neneh Cherry’s “Raw Like Sushi” was released in 1986. It came out in 1989.

Marcus Dupree: The Big Picture column in the Dec. 7 Calendar, about ESPN’s “30 for 30” series, quoted filmmaker Jonathan Hock as saying that former high school football star Marcus Dupree “never made it to the NFL.” Dupree played in 1990 and 1991 for the Los Angeles Rams.

“The Godfather” mansion: A Quick Takes item in the Dec. 4 Calendar about the offering for sale of a mansion used in the movie “The Godfather” described the New York property as a 4-acre estate. Connie Profaci Realty, which is selling the site, said the property is about half an acre.


Tax cuts: A Dec. 9 article in Section A about how the extension of tax cuts could affect the federal budget deficit said that temporary tax credits or deductions Congress often extends included mortgage interest. In fact, it is the deduction for mortgage insurance that is commonly extended.

Obama in Afghanistan: A Dec. 8 article in Section A about Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates’ visit to Afghanistan said President Obama visited Kabul, the nation’s capital, last week. In fact, he traveled to nearby Bagram airfield; dust storms prevented him from flying to the capital.

Santa Barbara City Council: An article in the Dec. 7 LATExtra section on the applicants for a council seat misattributed a statement made at a candidates forum. It was Dr. Beverly Brott, not Sharon Byrne, who cited the beating death of a Syrian immigrant and an assault on the owner of a Chinese restaurant as recent examples of criminal activity in the city.


Porn industry health clinic: An article in the Dec. 9 LATExtra section about state health officials’ denial of a community clinic license for the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, which serves the porn industry, said that the clinic was based in San Fernando. The facility is located in Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley.

Grief journey: In a Nov. 14 article in Section A about writer Gary Ferguson’s hike to spread the ashes of his wife in the wilderness, a caption under a photograph of a campfire scene identified the man on the left as Steve Muth. He is Rand Herzberg.
