
Time to tweak those New Year’s resolutions; this belly fat study explains why

There’s a lot of bad buzz out there about belly fat, and most of it’s true. Now researchers in Virginia say they may have found an enzyme in belly fat that accounts for the increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.

A team from the Eastern Virginia Medical School and others are studying how enzymes known as lipoxygenase work and what drugs could be developed to target these enzymes. This Newport News Daily Press story gives the details.

Meanwhile, other studies have linked belly fat to osteoporosis and early death.


How to get rid of it? Advice abounds in print and online.

Green tea and exercise could help. This Booster Shots blog post says: “How green tea works its magic is not completely understood, but scientists believe it speeds the rate at which fat is broken down in the body. It may also help the body’s sensitivity to insulin, lowering the risk of diabetes.”

Finally some good buzz about belly fat -- break it down.
