
Business Letters

Re: “New budget trajectory for NASA,” Feb. 4:

Although many Constellation contractors would like to blame President Obama for the cancellation of the program, he is just facing reality.

After President Bush proposed a return to the moon, Congress never adequately funded the project. A partially complete moon project has little value. What the Bush administration should have done is adjust the project to fit the budget or argue for more money.

The Obama administration has proposed a technology development project for future exploration. This way, when Congress attaches strings to the money and appropriates less than is requested, the project can be adjusted to fit the budget.

Steve Harrington

Lecturer in aerospace

engineering, UC San Diego

Cardiff, Calif.

Consumers aren’t helpless

Re: David Lazarus’ consumer column “Consumers need watchdog; banks turn agency into lap dog,” Feb. 3:

The writer would have us, as consumers, believe that we are a group of helpless country bumpkins who just fell off the turnip truck and cannot read beyond second-grade level; that we need bureaucrats in Washington to protect us from those credit-card-issuing monsters.

John T. Kirages


Super Bowl ad flap continues

Re: “No coming-out party for a big game,” Feb. 2:

Dan Neil’s statement, “the Rev. James Dobson is well-known as an All-Pro gay hater,” shows his biased ignorance.

For starters, Dobson is not a reverend; rather he has a doctorate of psychology from USC. His Christian-oriented organization Focus on the Family has been involved in helping families in general (including gays) to avoid destructive lifestyles.

But what does this have to do with Jim Tebow’s Super Bowl ad? The ad has nothing to do with gays.

Bob Cotterell

Agoura Hills


“Incensed” does not begin to describe my feelings about CBS’ rejection of gay dating service Mancrunch .com’s intended Super Bowl ad. How dare CBS accept advertising from a group with such an extreme and conservative agenda such as Focus on the Family, while rejecting the more obviously liberal

If I had it, I would give millions to Planned Parenthood to advertise on CBS during the Super Bowl.

Holly Cantos

Los Angeles

What is the cost of green energy?

Re: “Green jobs are slow to take root,” Feb. 2:

All those green jobs are jobs that we must pay for. And if, for example, only contractors approved by SCE can install solar panels at our homes, we will pay through the nose.

After we spend all the energy (and dollars) to build the wind turbines and after we spend the funds to maintain them, and after the subsidies expire (both to manufacturers and to homeowners), what will the cost of this energy be?

D. A. Papanastassiou

San Marino

Business welcomes your letters. Write to Letters to the Business Editor, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012, or e-mail to bizletters@ Please keep letters brief and include your address and telephone number.
