
Letters: You can’t sweat the small stuff

You can’t sweat the small stuff

I’m not sure the blanket answer in the Jan. 31 On the Spot [“When a Hot Tub Is Not”] about a nonworking hot tub was carefully thought out.

The big question, in my mind, was whether the presence of a hot tub was a determining factor in choosing a particular hotel. If it was, and if, as is the case with the particular writer, you’ve called and talked about the hot tub, you have reason to expect compensation.

But I don’t think it’s realistic for a hotel to be able to say that on a particular date (often far in advance) that a hot tub or pool is not going to be working. I think the client needs to exercise a little common sense.

I think too often our first inclination is to say, “I’m owed,” when something goes wrong.

-- Bob Thomas, Los Angeles

Cruise safety drills important

I enjoyed the rebuttal in the Jan. 31 Letters [“Virtual Ship Drills: Titanic, Anyone?] to the Jan. 24 article on the lifeboat drill on the Oasis of the Seas [“The Sheer Fun of It All”].

My wife and I were on the Sea Diamond, which sank off the coast of Santorini, Greece, in April 2007. When the ship first hit the rocks and started taking on water, we were told to stay away from the starboard side of the ship, the side the Sea Diamond was listing to. That’s where our muster station was and our lifeboat. So if our life jackets had been there, we never would have gotten ours.

Having cruised several times since the Sea Diamond, we have a whole new appreciation for those nonvirtual safety drills.

-- Bob Zimmerman, Torrance


I was thrilled to see that the Oasis of the Sea article mentioned the ship’s artwork in general.

But as an artist who has been fortunate to be a part of many of Royal Caribbean’s collections, I was disappointed that the story didn’t talk more about the ship’s incredible art collection.

The Oasis has free art tours, twice daily. It also has different artists in residence (whose artwork is onboard) who offer art seminars and art discussion groups. This is an excellent free activity for seasoned and new art collectors and for those who may have an interest in the art world but who have not been exposed to it.

Travelers who are interested in a particular artist or artwork in the permanent collection can buy a piece from the Art Actually gallery.

-- J. Simons, Malibu

LAX parking lot fees puzzling

Regarding: “LAX Parking Lot Changes” [Jan. 24]: It seems to me that LAX management has not considered the needs of the flying public first.

Lot B is more convenient to get to by the major exits from the 405 and 105 freeways.

Lot C is farther from these exits and will cost more. What a great deal for the public.

-- Hall Wilson, Arcadia
