
The top 10 donors to political causes

Individuals who contributed the most money to California political candidates and ballot-measure campaigns from Jan. 1, 2000, to Dec. 31, 2009: Steve Bing, Southern California businessman... $58,050,783 Steve Poizner, state insurance commissioner, candidate for governor ... $43,205,282 Steve Westly, former state controller, 2006 candidate for governor ... $41,728,277 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger... $25,871,398 Jerry Perenchio, former owner of Univision Communication Inc. ... $23,267,738 Meg Whitman, candidate for governor... $19,642,200 Angelo Tsakopoulos, Sacramento-area developer... $15,795,379 John Doerr, Silicon Valley venture capitalist ... $15,347,847 Reed Hastings, founder of Netflix ... $13,412,315 Bill Simon, 2002 candidate for governor... $10,308,214 Total ... $266,629,433 Source: Fair Political Practices Commission,
