

Hugo Weaving: An uncomfortable number of years have passed since this character actor stole the screen in “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” and “The Matrix,” but we’re still grateful every time we see him. His latest is “The Wolfman,” which we recommend to only the most ardent lycanthrophiles, but his stern look is still the most watchable thing on screen. Thanks again, Hugo.

The Winter Olympics: NBC has taken a lot heat for the hefty cost of airing this year’s games, but we’re grateful they are. Not that they’re doing anything particularly unique, but we’re simply addicted to watching massively committed athletes from around the world compete in sports that mostly vanish from the public eye as soon as the torch goes out. Call us saps, but we’re having an Olympic moment.

The iPad / Kindle wars: Now that two front-runners for the e-reader market have emerged (does anyone remember Barnes & Noble’s version?), we’re already tired of devotees to Apple and Amazon hotly debating which digital device is better. Calm down, you tech-minded ideologues. You both can take credit for killing the printed word, just as soon as you can convince us how this will be a good thing.


Sarah Silverman versus TED Talks: We’re not here to defend TED Talks, which foolishly lambasted the shock comic last week for essentially being her outrageous self at one of TED’s innovation-championing events. If the organizers wanted to take issue with her, they certainly shouldn’t have done so simply because Silverman says offensive things. Do it because she’s just not terribly funny doing it.
