
Letters: Reality check on A Soolip Wedding invitation prices

I read your recent article on the wedding event that took place last Sunday in downtown Los Angeles [“Bridal Bliss,” Feb. 21]. I loved all the great ideas on making the wedding day more memorable than stressful and costly.

The mention of succulents, and reusable flowers, nontraditional dresses and budget-conscious centerpieces was great to hear! And the wedding cake (also usually overpriced) will no longer sit on table after table neatly sliced with one bite missing, then off to the trash.

To quote the event’s founder: “Beauty doesn’t have to be expensive. … It’s not about how much money you spent on your flowers or cake. …”

As I read this I was saying to myself: “Yes! Right on! It’s about time someone enlightened ripped-off brides!” I loved all the article was saying … until I got to the end. The event’s founder, Soolip Wen, had me hook, line and sinker until I read her hand-stitched invitations were starting at $3,000! Are you serious? Did you proofread this article? What an about-face! It was like watching a good movie with a bad surprise ending. Oh well, I guess the tradition really does live on.

Jeanie Joe

South Pasadena

Cleaning brushes

Thank you for your article, useful information [“Time to Toss Them?,” Feb. 14]. I also wonder about applicators such as brushes, how should they be cleansed and when to be tossed.

Jean Sakai

Via the Internet

Writer Alene Dawson replies: The doctor interviewed for this story suggests washing your brushes every day and throwing them out every three weeks. But that’s hard to do with expensive brushes. We recommend replacing them about once a year and cleaning them once a week with a mild shampoo.
