
Films and programs on Europe, kayaking and Mongolia


Slide show

Dave Garfinkle will show slides of his recent trip to regions around the Black Sea and the Caucasus, including a visit to Istanbul, Turkey, a road trip in Romania and a cruise around the Crimea and up the Dnieper River.

When, where: 7:30 p.m. Monday at Distant Lands, 56 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena

Admission, info: Free. RSVP to (626) 449-3220



Author-photographer Gary Scott will present slides and stories from “Great Walks in the Alps,” including the Dolomites of Italy and the three-country Tour du Mont Blanc circuit.

When, where: 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Adventure 16 store, 11161 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles

Admission, info: Free. (310) 473-4574


Slide show

Mort Loveman will present “Mongolia: On the Edge of Time.”

When, where: 1 p.m. Wednesday at Roxbury Park Community Center, 471 S. Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills

Admission, info: Free. (310) 550-4761



Conor Flannery will present “Expedition Kayaking: From the Channel Islands to the InsidePassage,” about his upcoming solo kayak trip from Seattle to Anchorage to raise funds to provide medical supplies to needy patients.

When, where: 7 p.m. Wednesday at the REI store in Santa Monica, 402 Santa Monica Blvd.

Admission, info: Free. (310) 458-4370



Marilyn Murphy will present “Old Cars & Fat Cigars: A Life-Changing (and Legal) Opportunity to Visit Cuba.”

When, where: Noon Saturday at Café Brasil, 11736 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles

Admission, info: $18.50 for lunch and program. Hosted by the Network for Travel Club. RSVP to (323) 578-3601.

Send announcements to [email protected].
