
Kindle Glow warms the outdoors

The Kindle Glow makes such a strong first impression -- modern, playful, irreverent -- you almost need to ask twice: That’s a space heater? Yes, it is. David Tannenbaum, managing director of L.A.-based Kindle Living, says the idea originated from party rental customers, including brides who wanted to keep guests warm but hated the industrial look of typical heaters. Now, as more yards are being turned into round-the-clock outdoor living spaces, the company sees a market for outdoor heaters with the visual appeal of indoor furnishings. Kindle’s composite shell can stand up to high temperatures, and the shade “canopies” heat better than traditional heaters, Tannenbaum says. The piece recently won a Good Design Award from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design.

Kindle Glow has a battery-powered base that illuminates in a choice of colors. The Kindle Heater is similar to Glow, minus the lighting in the base. Both are available for purchase or rental. For pricing:

-- Times staff
