
ABC’s Diane Sawyer to anchor from Afghanistan

Diane Sawyer will anchor ABC’s “World News” from Afghanistan tonight and Tuesday, her second trip abroad since taking the helm of the evening newscast less than a month ago.

In her fifth trip to the country, which she last visited in April 2007, Sawyer will report on the status of the war effort as part of ABC’s “Afghanistan: Where Things Stand” series. Her coverage will include an interview with Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal. “Good Morning America Weekend” anchor Bill Weir, embedded with U.S. forces, also will report.

According to a poll of more than 1,500 Afghans conducted as part of the “Where Things Stand” series, optimism about the country’s future has risen but complaints about corruption are more pervasive than ever.


In other network news, George Stephanopoulos, who last month became one of the hosts of ABC’s “Good Morning America,” officially ended his seven-year run Sunday morning as anchor of the network’s Washington, D.C.-based public-affairs program “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.”

“That’s our show for today. It is also my last regular Sunday here at ‘This Week,’ ” Stephanopoulos said at the conclusion of the broadcast. “Thanks to all of you for watching so faithfully all these years, and thanks to the outstanding staff and crew here for making ‘This Week’ the special program it will always be.”

Stephanopoulos, a former communications chief in the Clinton White House, did not say who would succeed him as anchor of the Sunday program.


An ABC News spokeswoman said no decision had been made on a new regular anchor but a rotation of correspondents, including Terry Moran and Jake Tapper, would continue to guest anchor the show. There has been speculation that ABC is considering veteran newsman Ted Koppel, former anchor of ABC’s “Nightline,” for the job. ABC News spokeswoman Emily Lenzner said the network was considering several candidates.

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