
Events happening Saturday


Aga-Boom Laugh it up as the Aga-Boomclown troupe hits Long Beach to serve up its signature brand of messy, interactive fun. Get crazy as the wacky men in silly suits shoot streams of tissue paper into the audience, spray confetti and generally goof off with mime, poetry and avant-garde showmanship. Carpenter Performing Arts Center, 6200 Atherton St., Long Beach. 8 p.m. today, 2 p.m. Sun. $30. (562) 985-7000,


Mamak Khadem Inspired by ancient Persian poetry and music, vocalist Mamak Khademwill kick off the 2010 season of the world music series “Sounds of L.A.” at the Getty Center. She will perform melodies from the Middle East and the Mediterranean, accompanied by traditional and contemporary instruments. The Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Drive. 7:30 p.m. today, 3 p.m. Sun. Free, reservations required. (310) 440-7300.

Edan The cut-and-paste aesthetic that dominates pop art today has proved a natural fit for music -- but what about film? The avant-hip-hop DJ Edan’s album release party for “Echo Party” comes concurrent with a new film of the same name built on snippets of South Asian dance sequences, old-school break dancing and found footage. Together, they’ll make your head spin and your hips move. Cinefamily at the Silent Movie Theatre, 611 N. Fairfax Ave., L.A. 8 p.m. $12. (323) 655-2510.


Mose Allison Regarded as “the William Faulkner of jazz,” pianist and songwriter Mose Allisoncounts Elvis Costello, Van Morrison and Ray Davies among his legion of fans. Possessed with a honeyed voice and a humorist’s eye for detail, Allison is midway through a six-city tour previewing the spring release of his first album in 12 years, “The Way of the World,” produced by Largo favorite Joe Henry. Largo at the Coronet, 366 N. La Cienega Blvd., L.A. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today-Sun. $35. (310) 855-0350.


“Donnie Darko” After seeing “Donnie Darko,” we’ll never feel the same about bunny costumes again. Or all-girl dance troupes with awesome names like Sparkle Motion. These quirky details, inspired in equal parts by the goth and the tacky sides of the ‘80s, made Richard Kelly’s 2001 film, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, an unlikely cult classic. It’ll screen at Devil’s Night, a downtown drive-in with punk spirit. 240 W. 4th St. (at Broadway), second floor. $10. Gates 6 p.m.; show 7:30 p.m.
