
Spell It Out soaps

Not a soap fetishist? Unsure when is the proper time to bust out “the nice soap”? You still may fall in love with the Spell It Out soaps by L.A.-based Dugshop, which recently launched At 2 1/2 inches, each is smaller than you might think. But can you imagine anything more delightful, cheerful or Dadaist than these soaps ($5 apiece) in a little dish next to the sink, like an offering of oversized Sweethearts? Dugshop’s other products include a Morning Bagels Soap Set that looks -- and reportedly smells -- like freshly baked bagels, and the Wright Suds Stained Glass Window Soap based on the designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. The big seller in 2008: Hope on a Rope Soap resembling the head of then-candidate Barack Obama. “We’re not short on ideas,” said Paula Bonhomme, one-half of the soap-making operation. “What we need are some interns.” Anybody want to say, “I’m Yours”?

-- Deborah Netburn
