

Pop & Jazz

Previews by August Brown Stand With Haiti Benefit The cheeky pomp-rockers Tenacious D might be unlikely headliners of any show benefitting more than their chick-pulling ambitions, but they get top billing at this Haiti benefit with The Shins’ James Mercer, Frank Black and comedian Patton Oswalt. The Wiltern, 3790 Wilshire Blvd., L.A. Tue., 7 p.m. $39.50-$74.50. (213) 380-5005.

Laura Marling The young Marling has such startlingly articulate insights into love and loss that one pities the scads of loutish teenage boys back in her native Eversley who surely tried and failed to stir her heart. She’s a spectral presence onstage, but her songs are anything but wispy. “My Manic and I” is a claustrophobic scene of love amid mental illness that somehow manages to be both ravenously adolescent and coolly diagnostic. Largo at the Coronet, 366 N. La Cienega Blvd., L.A. Thu., 8 p.m. $20. (310) 855-0350.

Yeasayer Brooklyn’s freakiest art-rock prophets have a beguiling new album, “Odd Blood,” that explores the furthest reaches of noise-punk, stoner folk, electro squiggles and globe-trotting omnivorousness. With the equally witchy local group Warpaint. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., L.A. Fri., 8 p.m. $9. (213) 763-3466.


Nosaj Thing When it comes to Low End Theory’s fractalized electro, Flying Lotus might be the virtuoso and Gaslamp Killer is the unhinged showboat, but Nosaj Thing, nee Jason Chung, is the quiet, serious one -- the scene’s George Harrison, if you will. Chung always looks as though he’s having an argument with his laptop rig onstage, poking and wrangling and retreating like the thing is a downed power line. With Daedelus and Jogger. Echoplex (below the Echo), 1152 Glendale Blvd., Echo Park. Fri., 8:30 p.m. $13. (213) 413-8200.
