
Good Form: Stronger glutes

Good Form

This is a new, fun way to strengthen your glutes and thighs. By using a kettlebell, which is easier to hold than a dumbell, you’ll be able to maximize your results with added resistance while performing this wide-leg drop squat.

Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, toes facing forward. Hold a 5- to 10-pound kettlebell or dumbell in your right hand. Rest your left hand on your left thigh. Bend your knees, sit back on your heels and lean slightly forward as if you were dropping the weight on the floor. When the weight is a few inches from the floor, straighten your legs and stand up.

At the top of the squat, switch hands, grasping the kettlebell with your left hand. Then straighten your legs and repeat. Bend, switch, straighten. Continue the squats, alternating arms until you have completed 10 to 20 squats.

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Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”
