
For the record - July 9, 2010

Egyptian shooting: An article in Wednesday’s SectionA about an Egyptian bus driver’s alleged killing of six laborers and wounding of 16 gave the name of the driver as Mahmud Tasha Swelled. His name is Mahmoud Taha Swellem. In addition, the name of the reporter who wrote the article appeared as Amor Hassan. His name is Amro Hassan.

Michael Steele: Articles published in Saturday’s and Sunday’s Section A concerning criticism of Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele reported that a club where Republican Party funds were spent is in Hollywood. The club, Voyeur, is in West Hollywood.

Chicano Moratorium: Hector Tobar’s column in Thursday’s Section A said an exhibit of photographs at the Mexican Cultural Institute commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium, an East L.A. antiwar march and civil rights rally, could be viewed until Aug. 29. The exhibit ends July 25.

If you believe that we have made an error, or you have questions about The Times’ journalistic standards and practices, you may contact Deirdre Edgar, readers’ representative, by e-mail at [email protected], by phone at (877) 554-4000, by fax at (213) 237-3535 or by mail at 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. The readers’ representative office is online at
