
Rumor of Prop. 8 ruling draws crowd to San Francisco courthouse

Television trucks, attorneys and a few members of the public congregated at the federal courthouse in San Francisco on Thursday afternoon, waiting for a verdict in the Proposition 8 same-sex marriage trial.

But as the sun set, no ruling had come.

A rumor had swept through the blogosphere and San Francisco City Hall that U.S. District Court Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker planned to issue his long-awaited ruling on whether Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage in California, violates the U.S. Constitution.

But Walker’s chambers were closed Thursday and expected to be closed Friday; he had not told any of the parties in the closely watched case that a ruling was coming.

Lawyers in the case said they doubted the rumor was true.

“I would be amazed,” said Andy Pugno, an attorney for the proponents of Proposition 8.

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