
Horoscope: July 16

The Libra moon is a party planner, fretting over every last aesthetic detail so that our attention will move along from enjoyment to enjoyment, conversation to conversation. The social scene is so beautifully set that it would be a shame to miss out. So embrace the day’s mood by meeting new faces or learning something fresh about your familiars.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Make yourself comfortable. It’s not likely to happen naturally and might take some finagling on your part, but all the fuss will be worth it. When you’re comfortable, the people around you will be comfortable, too.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You are becoming better and better at what you do. You’ll learn a timesaving route or an effective opening line. It’s so satisfying to add something new to your bag of tricks.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The one you want to hire wants to be hired by you. The one you want to hug wants to be hugged by you. And the one you want to feed is hungry. Everything works out in your social network.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Somehow, a timeline will be very important. Create one for the day, and adhere to it. It doesn’t have to be scheduled to the last millisecond to be effective. But there should be a definite structure to your hours.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Among your friends, there is a grab bag of talents. So when you need something, ask around. You’re going to find all the help you need and a few truly inspired ideas to take your projects to the next level.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If it’s difficult to receive love from outside sources, this is a signal that it’s time for you to turn inside yourself and do some listening. What is the specific care and attention you need? Give it to yourself.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You expect yourself to behave in a certain manner, but it’s not the only way. Why be so controlled? Trust yourself. Give yourself permission to express yourself however the mood moves you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Someone will see you differently from the way you see yourself -- more magical and surprising. You may be impressed and inspired by this vision, and you’ll have fun living up to it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your demands of yourself weigh heavy on you, and your demands of others are no joy to carry, either. Lighten up. Fewer rules and restrictions and more free time and play are the orders of the day.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You may have been taught that people will love you when the conditions are right. But the truth is that you are loved unconditionally. All you have to do is believe it and you’ll get the proof.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your usual reliable boldness may be taking a nap when you call on it. Use your powers of imagination to fill the gap. Visualize the risk. See yourself acting with courage and winning.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You share the richness of who you are on a daily basis. So why do you have so much trouble receiving the support and recognition you deserve? The universe is trying to hug you. Open your arms and accept it.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (July 16). You want it all to happen quickly, but remember that rapid growth is unnatural. A gentle unfolding of events benefits you in a lasting way. The month ends with a satisfying business deal. August brings you the kind of relationship other people admire. Family victories are your victory in December. Aquarius and Virgo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 49, 2, 41, 33 and 16.

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Someone will express love through action, perhaps by fixing your possessions. TAURUS: You are a gifted communicator and will make the most of your conversations, getting to the heart of the matter. GEMINI: You are more attractive to a certain person than you know -- be careful how you wield it. CANCER: You will ask the right questions and learn just how intelligent your object of desire really is. LEO: Be up on the times. Read. Have plenty of conversational fodder on hand. VIRGO: You have a busy life, but you’re not too busy to call the one who has tried on so many occasions to connect with you. There’s a big benefit to this call. LIBRA: Love will start as friendship and grow more passionate over the course of weeks and months -- not hours and days. SCORPIO: You could fall for an illogical choice of companionship because of the excellent chemistry. SAGITTARIUS: Be an enthusiastic supporter. Negative and deflating attitudes are the opposite of sexy. CAPRICORN: Your love is devoted only to you, so relax and have fun. AQUARIUS: Your strong allure comes from embracing the traditional talents and roles of your gender. PISCES: Loved ones stick close, needing your acceptance and encouragement.

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Cancer and Libra both have artistic inclinations. Cancer tends to express the heart’s emotions with humor and can give a moving performance through song, conversation or other art forms. Libra is the consummate connector, diplomatic and pleasant and fantastically tasteful. These two make a power couple this weekend, sealing new friendships with their augmented powers of attraction.

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