
New online tools let anyone examine health insurance rate increases

Health insurance consumers concerned about rate increases can now keep track of them online by visiting the California Department of Insurance’s website.

The department has launched an electronic service to alert consumers when insurers file rates in the individual market, which serves people who do not receive health coverage through their employers.

To sign up for the e-mails, go to Click “Sign up for a free account” and select which updates to receive.


“We want as many people as possible scouring these rate filings to ensure they are mistake-free,” Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner said in a statement. “The e-mail notification tool will expand access to these documents by informing the public of when there are new filings to peruse.”

In addition, consumers can examine the paperwork that goes into rate filings by visiting another Insurance Department page: Go to and click “Individual Health Rate Filings

So far, that page contains filings from Anthem Blue Cross, Aetna Inc., Blue Shield of California, Health Net Inc. and Prudential. The documents come straight from the insurers, providing their detailed calculations and explanations for their rate increases.


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