
For the record - July 31, 2010

Carnegie Observatories: The obituary in Friday’s LATExtra section of Leonard Searle, an astronomer and former director of the Carnegie Observatories, mistakenly referred to his Carnegie colleague George Preston as Robert Preston.

Arlington cemetery: An article in Friday’s Section A about mishandled graves at Arlington National Cemetery stated that a Senate report on the matter was released Thursday. The report was issued Tuesday.

“Countdown to Zero”: The review of “Countdown to Zero” in Friday’s Calendar section said that the documentary was unrated. It is rated PG, for thematic material, images of destruction and incidental smoking.

Tani Cantil-Sakauye: An article in Sunday’s Section A about Tani Cantil-Sakauye, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s nominee for California chief justice, noted that if confirmed she would become the second woman to serve as chief. In doing so, the article erred in describing the first female chief, Rose Elizabeth Bird, as having served from 1977 through 1984. Bird served through 1987.

Baseball no-hitters: In Tuesday’s Sports section under the Day in Sports, a list of the five no-hitters in Major League Baseball this season said Edwin Jackson’s against the Tampa Bay Rays took place June 26. He threw the no-hitter on June 25.

If you believe that we have made an error, or you have questions about The Times’ journalistic standards and practices, you may contact Deirdre Edgar, readers’ representative, by e-mail at [email protected], by phone at (877) 554-4000, by fax at (213) 237-3535 or by mail at 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. The readers’ representative office is online at
