
Readers pay tribute to John Wooden

We all die, but I was really hoping in Coach Wooden’s case an exception could be made.

Tom Scarpelli



While Coach Wooden would no doubt have been embarrassed by such a public tribute, he would have appreciated the eloquent power of the written word. Hat’s off to your writers. They were at their best when their best was needed.

Robert Campbell

Palos Verdes Estates


Several years ago, I had an opportunity to have lunch with John Wooden by virtue of an auction at a charity event. As a teen who had lived and died with Bruin basketball in the glory days of the 1960s I looked forward to meeting Coach Wooden but had limited expectations given we were meeting him at his favorite local dining spot and that after all he was over 90 years old. At lunch he was fascinating, charming and regaled us with stories. He then surprised us by inviting all of us back to his condo.

We were hesitant to intrude upon him but he insisted. There were several of us ranging from teenagers to those of us in our early 50s, and we barely all fit into his living room. There for the next few hours he graciously talked to us as old friends, spoke of family and his relationship with former players, recited poetry, weaved basketball stories into life lessons, and answered any and all questions with grace and wisdom. He had a twinkle in his eye and it was clear that his love for his late wife Nell was still the paramount force in his life. During our visit at least two former UCLA players called and his son-in-law came over to fix the plumbing! When it was time to leave there was a sadness like we were leaving after a visit to a wise old uncle or a revered former teacher.

Frank Newell

Long Beach


About 10 years ago I was hired to raise money for a dinner benefiting Walt Hazzard’s foundation for kids. Coach Wooden was our guest of honor along with the championship team of 1963-64. We tracked down all of the players and a number of them came to L.A. for the dinner. The morning of the dinner, Coach Wooden called us to ask specific details about each of the players planning to attend and what they were doing now. During the evening they all joined him onstage, and they all became youngsters as Coach spoke to each of them about their present lives. There was not a dry eye in the house! He was adored.

Alice Borden

Sherman Oaks


If I had to hear of the passing of John Wooden, who better than from Vin Scully? Two men of the highest class. I, like many others, was watching the Dodgers game when Vin made the announcement of the coach’s passing. I was also watching a Dodgers game many years ago when Vin sadly told the world about the passing of Don Drysdale. I remember that evening because I felt grief in Vin’s voice announcing the game before he had to tell the world. Friday night, Vinny did not have that sadness in his voice. It was reverence.

I knew, at the moment of that sad news, the first thing I wanted to read in the L.A. Times the next morning was T.J.’s column. You were able to “make each day your masterpiece” and the world loves you for it.

Steve Rosenberg

Thousand Oaks


After years of criticizing at least 95% of his columns I have to say Bill Plaschke’s tribute to John Wooden will be the most insightful and best written of the scores which will see print today or ever. It will be the one remembered by all to whom it was available and were either smart enough, or lucky enough, to have read it.

Paul Ascenzi



Simers + Plaschke

= 4 tissues. Thanks, guys.

Kathy Sadamitsu

San Gabriel


Some of my favorite quotes revolve around John Wooden.

“We’re really going to miss you around here.” Said to Bill Walton when he challenged Wooden regarding his new beard.

“The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team.” The man himself.

God rest you, John Wooden. We should all aspire to be a little like you. And say hello to Nellie for us all.

Eric Monson



We have lost a national treasure. He looked like Clark Kent, but he was Superman.

Dick Van Kirk

