
Ins and outs of politics

Come November, if current polls are right, there may be few current pols left. Cartoonists probably aren’t helping the ins out much, since we rarely keep a civil tongue about civil servants. Steve Kelley apparently holds current officeholders in ill repute. Matt Bors has had it with fill-in-the-blankety-blank hypocrites. But John Branch reminds us that this fall’s fresh-faced campaigners are the next campaign’s red-faced fall guys. And hey, if the country can’t stand sitting politicians and elects a new cast of caricatures, cartoonists won’t be bummed out. We’ll just go from inking incumbents to the new kids on the chopping block.

-- Joel Pett

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader in Kentucky. His work also appears in USA Today.