
For the record - June 25, 2010

Evolution of limbs: An article in Thursday’s LATExtra section about a gene that may have been involved in the transition of fins to limbs said that limbs first developed in vertebrates about 35 million years ago. The correct period is about 350 million years ago.

Year of the Priest: An article in the June 11 Section A referred to priests from “each of the five populated continents” taking part in a vigil at the Vatican to mark the end of the Year of the Priest. Participating priests were from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. The Vatican considers the Americas to be one continent, but The Times considers North and South America to be individual continents. The story also incorrectly stated that Msgr. Antonio Cacciapuoti, pastor of Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles, said in a taped message during the vigil that his parish was 100,000 strong and that Masses were celebrated in 72 languages. The priest was referring to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and to the number of people the archdiocese baptizes each year, and to the fact that Sunday Masses are celebrated in many languages in various churches.

Baseball: The Dodgers-Angels game report in Thursday’s Sports section said that in the ninth inning, the Angels’ Brandon Wood, playing shortstop, made an errant throw to first base that pulled Mike Napoli off the bag. The throw pulled Robb Quinlan off the bag.

Architecture patrons: An article in Tuesday’s Calendar section about potential successors to Eli Broad as Los Angeles architectural patrons said one potential candidate, L.A. County Museum of Art Director Michael Govan, had been with the museum since 2004. He arrived in 2006.

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