
Where you’ve seen Jay Baruchel

Where you’ve seen him American audiences know Jay Baruchel for ensemble roles in such comedies as “Knocked Up” (2007), “Fanboys” (2008) and “Tropic Thunder” (2008); as the cad Tal in “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” (2008); and leads in TV’s “Undeclared” and “Just Legal.” He turned in a touching performance in Clint Eastwood’s “Million Dollar Baby” (2004) as Danger Barch, a kid who really shouldn’t be boxing: “Clint Eastwood is the only man I’ve ever worked for, still, to this day, that, were my granddad still alive, he would have been impressed by. I’ve worked with awesome people but he would have no idea who Judd Apatow is. My granddad went off to Europe for four years and killed Nazis, so Eastwood’s his man.”
