
Political coercion in the buff

There are pivotal moments in politics that shape our view of the democratic process. For some, the election of President Obama was such an event. For other, more sadistic, types, perhaps it was when Richard M. Nixon resigned. For me, however, it’s the story former Democratic Rep. Eric Massa told last week about an alleged encounter -- the White House denies it happened -- between the troubled pol and the president’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.

The way Massa tells it, he was scrubbing away in the showers of the congressional gym, “naked as a jaybird,” when an equally nude Emanuel began “poking a finger” in his chest for not supporting the president’s budget bill. “Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?” Massa asked Fox’s Glenn Beck.

In our loftier moments, we like to pretend that political opinion -- like religion -- is all a matter of individual conscience. After all, individualism is a cherished element of our national ideology. But Massa’s vivid tale, regardless of its veracity, still rings true. Politics is as much about coercion and conformity as it is about conviction.


There’s a lot of hand-wringing these days about the demise of bipartisanship and the growing tendency among Americans to connect only to people who share their political views. But what we don’t care enough about is how the hardening of political lines leads allies to poke fingers in each other’s chest.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m much less scared of good old-fashioned legislative arm-twisters than I am of high-minded ideologues. I’ll take a horse trader over a true believer any day. So it’s not the wrangling that bothers me. Rather, it’s the chilling effect that party discipline has on the broader public discourse.

Mark Twain noted that Americans enjoy the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, and the “prudence to practice neither.” By prudence, of course, Twain meant fear. He wasn’t the only observer to note the conflict between our belief in free expression and our tendency to succumb to the demands of the finger-in-your-chest crowd.


Alexis de Tocqueville linked what he saw as American conformism to the relative equality we enjoy. He believed that a horizontal society with no hard class lines leaves individuals feeling isolated, dependent and weak. Hierarchy, in other words, creates communities, and although independence can fill an individual with pride and confidence, it also leaves him vulnerable, in need of outside support. We seek shelter by aligning ourselves with the opinions of others. In other words, we are conformists because we are individualists.

This tendency has obvious political uses. We will, for example, put aside our differences to achieve a collective goal, and political leaders will do everything they can -- including punishment and the threat of it -- to keep the collective on point. Successful political movements police their boundaries and keep supporters in line.

The Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott in 1955, for example, is generally portrayed as a wholly voluntary event. But as Harvard legal scholar Randall Kennedy has written, the boycott “was reinforced by the knowledge that any black person caught riding the buses would face ostracism by his peers.” If a political interest group exists, Kennedy goes on, “there must be some conduct in which a member can engage that can appropriately be labeled ‘betrayal.’ ”

But as so many black intellectuals have pointed out over the years, group political solidarity not only frays, it comes at a price of intellectual diversity. Even at its most focused, the black civil rights movement couldn’t be maintained as a monolith. And as discomfiting as dissent may be to the leadership, that is as much a good thing as collective action is. That’s because we can’t expect to maintain absolute political discipline and nurture a vibrant public square, full of creative ideas. Right now, of course, such ideas are what we need to get us out of the political and economic mess we’re in.


There will always be a place for a political enforcer like Emanuel. And Massa should have known what he was signing up for when he ran for Congress in a political climate that is all about hard lines (the GOP has been particularly good at party discipline). But for all those who have access to the congressional gym -- and perhaps even more, for those of us who don’t -- too much political discipline will eventually take its toll.

