
For the record - March 18, 2010

Fountain maker: An article in Business on Sunday about Mark Fuller said his project for the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas amounted to $2.7 million. His firm’s contract was for $27 million.

Kids’ Reading Room: In the March 7 Kids’ Reading Room, a review of the book “Friends” by Helme Heine appeared in Creativity Corner, a column of original writings by young readers. It should have appeared in Kids’ Book Reviews.

Classic Hollywood: The Classic Hollywood column in Wednesday’s Calendar said that “The Goldbergs: The Ultimate Goldbergs” DVD set was available only on the Shout! Factory website. It is also available on the UCLA Film & Television Archive’s site at www.cinema .html.

Shopping column: In Sunday’s Image section, the Shopping column listed an incorrect e-mail address to RSVP for the Jodi Arnold trunk show being held Saturday. The correct address is rsvpla@jodiarnold

Probation camp fight probe: An article in Wednesday’s LATExtra section about the arrest of a former probation camp teacher for allegedly arranging fights between students in his class said school officials removed the teacher, Stephen Wesley, from the classroom five days after the alleged fights were reported. Los Angeles County Office of Education officials clarified that Wesley was not given any teaching assignments during that five-day interim.

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