
They said it: Great lines from noir films

Some great noir lines:

“I don’t use a pen. I write with a goose quill dipped in venom.” — “Laura,” 1944, screenplay by Jay Dratler, Samuel Hoffenstein and Betty Reinhardt

“You know what I do to squealers? I let ‘em have it in the belly, so they can roll around for a long time thinkin’ it over.” — “Kiss of Death,” 1947, screenplay by Ben Hecht and Charles Lederer; story by Eleazar Lipsky

“OK, where were you when he needed you? Maybe you were someplace having beautiful thoughts. Well, I wasn’t. I was in a stinkin’ gin mill, where all he had to do to see me was walk in, sit down at the table and buy me a drink.” — “Crossfire,” 1947, screenplay by John Paxton


“I told you to keep away from that radio. If that battery is dead it’ll have company.” — “White Heat,” 1949, screenplay by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts

“I get the general idea. She was a tramp from a long line of tramps.” – “Double Indemnity,” 1944, screenplay by Billy Wilder and Raymond Chandler
