
For the record - May 14, 2010

Crossword puzzle: The Times’ daily crossword puzzle in Wednesday’s Calendar section identified Ang Lee as the director of “ Spider-Man” in the clue for 51-Across. “Spider-Man” was directed by Sam Raimi.

Will Call: The Will Call list of pop music concerts in Wednesday’s Calendar section said that Straight No Chaser would be performing Dec. 4 at the Gibson Amphitheatre. That concert will be at the Wiltern.

‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’: An article in the May 3 Calendar section about the TV series “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” referred to a book written by the ex-husband of Danielle Staub, one of the women on the show. The book, “A Cop Without a Badge,” was about her ex-husband but was written by Charles Kipps.

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